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Allocation Round 5 Launch Event

The Contracts for Difference delivery partners will be hosting an online event ahead of the opening of Allocation Round 5.

This event will be held on MS Teams on 23rd February 2023.

The fifth allocation round of the Contracts for Difference Scheme is planned to open in March 2023. This will be the first CfD round to run annually and it follows the success of Allocation Round 4 in 2022. 

Allocation Round 5 will feature some changes compared to the previous round – these changes are set out in documents published by government in December 2022.

To launch Allocation Round 5 and to support potential applicants ahead of the opening of the round, the Contracts for Difference delivery partners will be holding an online event.

The AR5 Launch event will feature presentations from each of the Contracts for Difference delivery partners: the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), National Grid ESO, the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) and Ofgem. The event will provide an overview of key CfD allocation round processes. The government will publish final statutory documents including the Final Allocation Framework and Budget Notice closer to the AR5 commencement date.

There will also be a Q&A session at the AR5 Launch event, where there will the opportunity to submit questions during the event or you may send questions via email in advance to BEISContractsForDifference@beis.gov.uk (include “AR5 Launch Q&A” in the title). The CfD Delivery Partners will aim to get through as many questions as possible in the time available.

The event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams, and attendees should register here.

  • Registration for this event will close at 12pm on 22nd February 2023.
  • This is an online event hosted on Microsoft Teams
  • Once registered, you will receive a link via email to join the event shortly before it is due to take place.
  • Any queries about this event should be sent to: BEISContractsForDifference@beis.gov.uk (Questions for the Q&A session should include “AR5 Launch Q&A” in the title)