Technical guidance - Advanced conversion technologies (ACT) technical guidance
These guidance notes explain how to comply with the advanced conversion technologies (ACT) efficiency standard and the physical separation requirement.
All publications relating to Contracts for Difference allocation rounds from the delivery partners (The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, National Grid ESO, the Low Carbon Contracts Company and Ofgem) are collected on this page.
These guidance notes explain how to comply with the advanced conversion technologies (ACT) efficiency standard and the physical separation requirement.
Outcome of Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 6, which commenced on 27 March 2024.
The budget for CfD Allocation Round 6 (AR6) has been revised. The final budget for AR6 is £1.555 billion, which is an overall increase of £530 million. This is an increase of £65 million in pot 1, £165 million in pot 2 and £300 million in pot 3.
In this online presentation, LCCC takes Generators through the Minor & Necessary Modifications process in the upcoming Allocation Round 6.
You can also access the guidance that helps you navigate the process here.
You can also access the presentation slides here.
This guidance is designed to assist generators who are awarded a CfD in understanding how delivery of their Sustainable Industry Reward commitments (including meeting the minimum standards) will be monitored and assessed.
The framework sets out the mechanics of how Sustainable Industry Rewards will operate.
The response confirms that the CfD Sustainable Industry Reward process will run for three years from Allocation Round 7 (2025) onwards as a competitive allocation for extra revenue support.
The response confirms several amendments to the CfD Standard Terms and Conditions and the Private Network CfD Agreement.
Final versions of the Standard Terms and Conditions for use in AR6.
Q&A document based on questions received during the ‘Introduction to AR6’ online event held by CfD delivery partners on 22 February 2024.
Slides from the ‘Introduction to AR6’ online event held by CfD delivery partners on 22 February 2024.
Recording of the ‘Introduction to AR6’ online event held by CfD delivery partners on 22 February 2024.
This document provides a more detailed explanation of the information in the AR6 Budget Notice.
The Allocation Framework sets out the rules and eligibility requirements for AR6.
This notice confirms that the CfD application window for AR6 will open on 27 March 2024 and close on 19 April 2024.
This notice sets out the parameters that apply to AR6.
This notice sets out the information that must be used by the CfD counterparty, the Low Carbon Contracts Company, to complete the appropriate Standard Terms (CfD contract), which is individualised for each successful project.
CfD applicants may apply to the CfD counterparty, the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC), to request ‘minor and necessary’ modifications to the CfD contract. This notice sets out the threshold above which the costs likely to be incurred by LCCC as a result of any modification would not be considered ‘minor’.
This notice sets out the applicable Allocation Framework for AR6.
This video offers guidance to applicants on navigating the Allocation process.
Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) has published an updated version of the Guidance document to support applications for Minor and Necessary Modifications to contracts in the upcoming Allocation Round 6 of the Contract for Difference scheme.
How to submit a Sealed Bid for the Contracts for Difference scheme for Allocation Round 6 in the EMR Delivery Body Portal.
How to submit an application for the Contracts for Difference scheme for Allocation Round 6 in the EMR Delivery Body Portal.
This guidance document provides Applicants with step-by-step instructions on how the Allocation process is run for the 2024 Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round.
The purpose of the guidance document is to outline some of the common errors that can be made by Applicants when completing the registration and application processes for the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round.
This guidance document provides Applicants with step-by-step instructions on how to create an Application(s) in the EMR DB Portal in order to participate in the 2024 Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round. (AR6)
This guidance details the process to register your company on the EMR Delivery Body Portal for the Contracts for Difference Scheme.
This video details the process to register your company on the EMR Delivery Body Portal for the Contracts for Difference Scheme.
This notice sets out the procedure that excluded generators must follow if they wish to apply to be exempted from their temporary site exclusion in order to be eligible to participate in Allocation Round 6 (AR6).
This consultation invites views on proposals that, if implemented, would be delivered in time for Allocation Round 7 (scheduled to open in 2025), and it also seeks early views on longer-term considerations.
We're seeking views on several proposed contract changes for the sixth allocation round of the Contracts for Difference scheme.
This consultation closes at
11:59pm on 30 January 2024
This sets out information on pot structure, delivery years and administrative strike prices for the sixth CfD allocation round (AR6).
The Allocation Framework sets out the rules for Allocation Round 6 (AR6) and the eligibility requirements that applicants must satisfy.
Link to Draft Allocation Framework (PDF, 338KB)
Link to Draft Schedule 5 (PDF, 155KB)
The Government is proposing to introduce a CfD Sustainable Industry Reward from Allocation Round 7 onwards.
This sets out the methodology used to determine the administrative strike prices for the sixth allocation round (AR6) of the Contracts for Difference scheme.
This document lists the successful applicants for the fifth allocation round and contains the following information about the projects:
This notice is given pursuant to Regulation 12 of the Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014 (as amended). A copy of that regulation is included in Schedule 2 to this notice.
Impact Assessment of the decision to make renewable generators that directly supply offshore oil and gas facilities ineligible to apply for the Private Network CfD Agreement.
The government response to the December 2022 consultation on considerations for future CfD rounds.
Supply Chain Plan Questionnaire
Contracts for Difference
Allocation Round 6
For Solar PV projects equal to or greater than 300MW
Supply Chain Plan Questionnaire
Contracts for Difference
Allocation Round 6
Floating Offshore Wind projects
Supply Chain Plan Questionnaire
Allocation Round 6
For all offshore and onshore wind projects equal to or greater than 300MW
For all projects submitting Supply Chain Plans for Allocation Round 6.
This is new LCCC guidance on the CfD Private Network Agreement for Generators. This guidance is for Generators not connected to the Total System, or which are only partially connected to the Total System.
This document provides generators with guidance on the requirements for co-locating electricity storage and hydrogen production alongside generation supported under the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme.
This notice is made further to Regulation 9 of the Contracts for Difference (Standard Terms) Regulations 2014 (as amended) and is given to the Low Carbon Contracts Company Ltd (“the CfD Counterparty”).
This notice is given pursuant to Regulation 11 of the Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014 (as amended).
This notice applies to the fifth Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round, which will open on 30 March 2023. It should be read in conjunction with the accompanying note.
Government response to consultation on drafting amendments to the CfD contract
Allocation Round 5: Allocation Framework, 2023
This notice is made further to regulation 7 of the Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014 (as amended) and is given to:
(a) National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited, EMR Delivery Body; and
(b) The Low Carbon Contracts Company Limited (“The CfD Counterparty”).
Accompanying Note to the Budget Notice for the Fifth Contracts for Difference Allocation Round, 2023
This notice is made further to regulation 7(6) of the Contracts for Difference (Standard Terms) Regulations 2014 (as amended) and is given to the Low Carbon Contracts Company Ltd (“the CfD Counterparty”) in respect of the fifth allocation round commencing on 30 March 2023
On 23 February 2023, the Contracts for Difference (CfD) delivery partners hosted the CfD Allocation Round 5 (AR5) Launch event online. We have published the presentation slides here.
We have published a document of the questions that were asked during the launch event and their answers here.
On the 2nd of March, the team at LCCC hosted a webinar on the Minor and Necessary Process in Allocation Round 5, you can view the recording and access the slides here.
On 23 February 2023, the Contracts for Difference (CfD) delivery partners hosted the CfD Allocation Round 5 (AR5) Launch event online. If you missed the event or would like to re-watch, the recording is now available.
Low Carbon Contracts Company published an updated version of the Guidance document to support applications for Minor and Necessary Modifications to contracts in the upcoming Allocation Round 5 of the Contract for Difference scheme. For full details,please download the Guidance document via the button on this page.
This notice sets out the process for excluded sites to apply for an exemption from their temporary site exclusion for the fifth CfD allocation round.
We're seeking views on the proposed contract changes for the fifth allocation round of the Contracts for Difference scheme.
This consultation closes at
11:45pm on 5 February 2023
Consultation on policy considerations for future rounds of the Contracts for Difference scheme
The draft Allocation Framework sets out the rules for Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 5 and the eligibility requirements applicants must satisfy. A final Allocation Framework will be issued in March 2023.
This document sets out the core parameters for the fifth Contract for Difference Allocation Round (CfD AR5). The core parameters are:
The final Budget Notice containing full details about Allocation Round 5 auction parameters will be published in March 2023.
This document explains the methodology used to determine the administrative strike prices (ASPs) for the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 5 (AR5), which is open to pot 1 (established technologies) and pot 2 (less established) technologies.
This document sets out indicative timeline scenarios for Allocation Round 5. This timeline is in draft and dates may be subject to change. A final timeline will be published in due course.
This document answers questions from stakeholders about the CfD AR5 supply chain process.
CfD AR5 Supply Chain Plan questionnaire for projects under 300MW.
CfD AR5 Supply Chain Plan questionnaire for projects 300MW and over.
Guidance on how to complete the questionnaire and on the Supply Chain Plan process for projects applying for a CfD.
LCCC Initial Conditions Precedent (ICP) Guidance (PDF, 5.95MB).
BEIS CfD AR4 Budget Revision Notice (PDF, 185KB)
For simplicity, the timelines page of this website shows the longest and shortest possible timelines for Allocation Round 4. However, in total, there are five potential timeline scenarios for the round.
Explanatory note on the treatment of balancing services use of system charges in the 4th Contracts for Difference Allocation Round (2021-22)
NG ESO CfD AR4 Pre-Application Activities Guidance (PDF, 880KB).
A guidance video to assist with understanding the auction, the impact of the budget notice, and potential scenarios in the allocation round.
A guidance video tutorial detailing the process of how to submit and edit sealed bids on the EMR Delivery Body Portal.
BEIS CfD AR4 Counterparty Costs Notice (PDF, 130KB)
BEIS CfD AR4 final Allocation Framework
BEIS CfD AR4 Allocation Framework Notice (PDF, 135KB)
BEIS CfD AR4 accompanying note to final Budget Notice (PDF, 129KB)
Final versions of the CfD Standard Terms and Conditions, the generic CfD Agreement and contract variants for AR4.
BEIS government response to the October 2021 consultation on further changes to the CfD contract (PDF, 210KB)
BEIS CfD AR4 final Budget Notice (PDF, 233KB)
BEIS CfD AR4 Standard Terms Notice (PDF, 237KB)
BEIS CfD AR4 Allocation Round Notice (PDF, 174KB)
A guidance video detailing the process of how to submit a CfD Company Registration in the EMR Delivery Body Portal.
A guidance video detailing the process of how to submit a CfD Application in the EMR Delivery Body Portal.
Questions and answers from the AR4 online launch event held on 23 September 2021.
LCCC CfD AR4 Minor & Necessary Modifications Guidance (PDF, 470KB).
Ofgem Electricity Market Reform Dispute Resolution Guidance (PDF, 406KB)
NG ESO CfD Registration and Application Common Errors (DOCX, 230KB).
Download CfD Company Registration and User Management Guidance Document
BEIS consultation on further changes to the CfD contract (PDF, 302KB)
BEIS CfD AR4 administrative strike price methodology note (PDF, 438KB).
Final Supply Chain Plan questionnaire submission template for CfD Allocation Round 4 (ODT, 113KB)
Government response to consultation on new Supply Chain Plans Questionnaire.
(ODS, 52.2KB)
For projects of 300MW or more applying for a Contract for Difference (PDF, 394KB)
The consultation sought views on a number of proposed changes to strengthen our Supply Chain Plan policy and on changes to the CfD contract to give effect to some of the policy decisions on changes to the scheme, as well as several minor and technical adjustments to improve the functioning of the contract. (PDF, 284KB)
CHPQA methodology, definitions, QI thresholds, and criteria for Good Quality certification.
This consultation sets out our proposals for a new Supply Chain Plan questionnaire for CfD Applicants to complete, which will form the basis for initial assessment before an allocation round and ongoing monitoring, review and assessment after CfD signature. (PDF, 326KB)
This consultation proposes further amendments to the scheme in relation to Supply Chain Plans, policy proposals on phasing for floating offshore wind and changes to the CfD contract. (PDF, 666KB)
BEIS response to the proposed amendments to the Contracts for Difference Scheme (PDF, 542KB).
The government is considering a number of changes to the way the CfD scheme operates so that it can continue to support new generation and provide value for bill payers for the next allocation round. The consultation seeks views from stakeholders and interested parties on these proposals.