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Contracts for Difference (CfD) Allocation Round 5: exemptions request notice

This notice sets out the process for excluded sites to apply for an exemption from their temporary site exclusion for the fifth CfD allocation round.

This exemption notice sets out the procedure generators must follow if they want to be exempted from their temporary site exclusion and compete in the 5th allocation round, due to open in March 2023.

Details of which sites are currently excluded can be found on the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC) website.

The notice sets out details of:

  • which technologies are eligible for the 5th allocation round
  • the relevant delivery years
  • the date by which a request for exemption must be received
  • where requests should be sent

If an excluded site does not apply for an exemption, then they will not be eligible to apply for the 5th allocation round.

The Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014