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AR6: General Election and round update

On 22 May 2024, the Prime Minister announced that a General Election will be held on 4 July 2024.

The election period will coincide with AR6, which is currently in progress and is expected to conclude at some point during the summer depending on the timeline scenario to which the round runs.

AR6 is currently running to timeline scenario 3 after one or more non-qualifying applicants requested National Grid (NG) ESO to review its qualification decision. NG ESO will review the relevant applications by 11 June 2024.

NG ESO informed applicants whether they had qualified to participate in the round on 20 May 2024. Between 21-28 May 2024, any non-qualifying applicants were able to request that NG ESO reviewed its decision. As stated above, one or more such requests has been received, and therefore, the round is currently proceeding according to timeline scenario 3.

During the election period, essential business, including routine business necessary to ensure the continued smooth functioning of government and public services, must be allowed to continue. This can include a CfD allocation round that is already open, although significant decisions and announcements about the round may be subject to the latest Cabinet Office advice on the election period.

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, Cabinet Office has issued election guidance. Where there are any implications for the published AR6 timeline, these will be communicated to stakeholders via the CfD microsite.