Consultation on proposed AR5 contract changes
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has today published a consultation on changes to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Standard Terms and Conditions and Private Network Agreement for Allocation Round 5.
The consultation covers changes to:
- Clarify how the flexibility in the contract for generators to delay their CfD start date should (and should not) be used;
•Simplify data provision requirements for generators;
•Update definitions in the CFD Private Network Agreement to ensure they align fully with regulations;
•Update interest rate calculations for repaying cumulated subsidy following the UK’s exit from the EU;
•Remove BSUoS (Balancing Services Use of System) charge clauses, reflecting Ofgem’s decision that these charges will no longer be levied on generators;
•Reflect new supply chain plan requirements for floating offshore wind projects
Consultation: Further information and details of how to respond
The consultation will close on 5 February 2023.