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Key dates for Allocation Round 4

The key dates for the fourth allocation round of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme can now be viewed on this website.

The The dates have been published in two separate timelines, with one setting out the shortest possible timescales for the round and the other setting out the longest. The shortest timeline is based on all applicants qualifying after the first application review, and the longest is based on some applicants not qualifying even after a second review, requiring us to proceed to appeals.

This is the earliest that the indicative dates for an allocation round have been published in advance of the round opening.

The established technologies pot will be eligible to compete in Allocation Round 4 for the first time since 2015. In addition, there’s the introduction of new, offshore-wind only pot, and a new technology – floating offshore wind – will also be eligible to compete for the first time.

Given these changes, we recognise the importance of ensuring that key information about the round is made available as early as possible so that potential applicants can prepare effectively and submit the best application possible.

Key dates

Below are some of the key dates that feature in the timelines:

  • Supply Chain Plan application window: 27 September–3 October 2021
  • CfD application window: 13 December 2021–14 January 2022*
  • Sealed bid window: 9–29 March 2022 (shortest timeline) or 24 May–15 June 2022 (longest timeline)
  • CfD notification to successful applicants: 22–25 April 2022 (shortest timeline) or 7–8 July 2022 (longest timeline)

*The government has extended the time for CfD applications as the window falls over the Christmas holiday period.

While the indicative dates for Allocation Round 4 are not immovable, it is unlikely that there will be any significant changes to them. However, if there are any changes, we will endeavour to give potential applicants advance notice.