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Key Dates for Allocation Round 5

The key dates for the fifth allocation round of the Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme can now be viewed on the CfD microsite. The dates are provisional and subject to change. The key dates will be updated on the AR5 microsite if there are any changes to the timeline before the allocation round opens to applications.

The dates have been published with five timelines, setting out timescales based on different scenarios. The shortest timeline is based on all applicants qualifying after the first application review, and the longest timeline is based on the scenario where some applicants do not qualify, and appeals are submitted.

  • The CfD application window is planned to run from 30 March until 24 April 2023
  • The Sealed bid window under the shortest timeline scenario is expected to be 6 – 12 June 2023 and for the longest timeline scenario, it will be 9 – 15 August 2023
  • CfD AR5 Results are expected to be notified and published on around 4 –5 July 2023 under the shortest timeline scenario and around 7 – 8 September under the longest timeline scenario.